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PIA Partners Are Key to Success

The Professional Insurance Agents of Louisiana is committed to serving and protecting the businesses that comprise the independent insurance agency system. PIA advocates, legislates, serves and connects our member agencies and companies. Our PIA Partners are instrumental to our effort to effectively provide these services to Louisiana agencies.

Partner Program

PIA of Louisiana’s Partners Program is a combined membership, marketing and funding program for PIA. Companies have the opportunity to “partner” with PIA by providing financial contributions to help underwrite programs and services directed towards member agents. Companies are invited to participate as sponsors at various financial levels dependent upon their goals, needs and resources. In return, they receive marketing opportunities, increased industry exposure and the ability to demonstrate their support of the independent agency system. Each level of participation provides specific tangible ways to showcase company support. Levels include Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Partner Benefits

All Partnerships include:

  • Associate Membership in PIA of Louisiana
  • Membership in all local chapters
  • Advertising in The Agent's Voice and The Agent's Link (size and specs depending on partner level)
  • Special articles and recognition
  • Year-long partner listing on PIA's website

PIA of Louisiana Annual Convention Benefits, depending on the level of partnership:

  • Up to 5 registrations
  • Keystone sponsorship
  • Exhibit Booth
  • Special Partner Signage & Recognition, including advertising, marketing promotions, signs, and ribbons.

Young Insurance Professionals Annual Conference Benefits, depending on the level of partnership:

  • Up to 4 registrations
  • Premiere Sponsorship
  • Exhibit Tabletop

Additional Benefits, depending on level of partnership:

  • Sponsor of education classes statewide
  • Special communications and opportunities for recognition
  • Tailored marketing to PIA Members

Become a PIA Partner

For more information on the levels of partnership and benefits or to become PIA's newest Partner, please contact Jody Boudreaux at (225) 766-7770 or