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About PIA

Established in 1943, Professional Insurance Agents of Louisiana strives to serve and represent Louisiana insurance agents, to ensure a good business climate in this state and to protect consumer access to insurance products and services. PIA is your voice in the legal and regulatory arenas, your source for industry information, your legal advocate, your center for continuing education, your mediator with state agencies and companies, and your network of industry peers. Your active involvement in this member driven association assures that we provide the services you want and need.

Promoting the professional insurance agency system, leading through support, representation and fellowship.

Our Pillars

PIA has an enduring mission to advance the needs of our members and be a leading voice in the insurance industry. Our five pillars provide the foundation for this mission.


The authoritative source of information relevant to the insurance industry, especially our members.


Offerings that feature nationally recognized instructors and designations that strengthen the skills and knowledge of insurance professionals.


Advocacy at the state and national levels to ensure PIA members' voices are heard by lawmakers and regulators alike.


Delivery of products and services specifically designed for insurance professionals to protect and grow their businesses.


A network hub of insurance professionals to create strong, meaningful connections through various chapters, events, committees and online.